Here are some videos of me folks have put up:
...or listen to fan tapes of my live shows from the Internet Archive.
A biography
A timeline -- listing my performances and other events
Movies, TV, and stage
G.I. Joe -- me in the service
Look at my secret FBI file
Read my testimony at the Chicago Seven trial
About Woodstock
A discography
Lyrics and album notes
"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag" -- everything you want to know about the song and much, much more!
The story of the notorious Fish Cheer.
Hear some early recordings of my old group, the Berkeley String Quartet.
My earliest musical collaborator was Blair Hardman, and we recorded an album in '65, The Goodbye Blues.
My guitars.
Listen to Country Joe In Space, a virtual compilation of my science-fiction oriented songs. Available only in cyberspace!
Looking for a particular CD? Here's the scoop on all the titles.
Joe's Jukebox
War music
Vietnam and war news
Healing from the War, my account of the making of Berkeley's Vietnam memorial
The Great Springfield Pig Roast
Fun with Gunz!
Music and psychedelic links
Animal/ecology links and news
Pot news
Berkeley links
A Sixties Scrapbook
Amazing stories that folks have sent me.
"Country Joe collects dolls!?" Yeah, what's it to ya? See my nurse doll collection.
The attic, where we store old junk.
My site dedicated to the accomplishments of Florence Nightingale
My record company's site, <Rag Baby .com>, featuring the Rag Baby On-line Magazine
Country Joe & the Fish
Dave Diamond's Country Joe & the Fish Fish Rapper
Barry "The Fish" Melton Web | Facebook
David Bennett Cohen
Bruce Barthol
Gary "Chicken" Hirsh
Mark Kapner
ED Denson
Zone Recording Studio (Sonoma County) -- Blair Hardman's studio
The Jabberwock
Berkeley's Vietnam Vets' Memorial Plaque