Country Joe's Place

Cover design: Tom Weller | Photos: NASA, Steve Maruta
  A   V I R T U A L   A L B U M

Play the album

1. Picks and Lasers
2. Starship Ride
3. Space Patrol
4. Darlin' Dan (The Rocket Man)
5. Living in the Future in a Plastic Dome
6. The Clone Song
7. UFO
8. Star Yeck: Voyage of the Good Ship Undersize
9. Space Lovin'
10. Reaching for the Stars
11. Travelling

F I L K   M U S I C   L I N K S

Filk Music article from Wikipedia
ConChord -- the oldest filk convention
Kay Shapero's Filkfaq
The Virtual Filksing -- MP3 collection
The Filkarchive -- another MP3 collection (mainly UK) -- a streaming audio site devoted exclusively to filk
Chris Conway


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