Country Joe's Place

Monterey Pop Revisited


Ron Cabral reports:

The Monterey Revisited weekend [June 15-17, 2001] was fantastic. Joe played with Mark Naftalin and David Cohen at the party. Later Joe jammed with Barry Melton, Mark again and some guys from The Blues Project. On Saturday Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady appeared on a panel as did Michelle Phillips .... [San Francisco Chronicle critic] Joel Selvin was the moderator for several panels that took place on Sat and Sun. On Sat night Barry played on Cannery Row with Bruce Barthol and David Cohen. You could say it was a big Country Joe and the Fish weekend in Monterey. The only missing Fish was Chicken who chickened out.... At the fairgrounds they showed the film Monterey Pop and D. A Pennebaker the filmmaker was there and he spoke about that. The Joe and Naftalin music was all recorded by the Monterey History and Arts people -- if they are smart they should issue a CD of the live music and sell it at the Maritime Museum.

Top, panel discussion with Bruce Barthol, Barry Melton, and Jorma Kaukonen. Bottom, Country Joe, David Cohen, Mark Naftalin, and Bruce Barthol. Photos by Ron Cabral.

I got to meet lots of people that are in the book someplace. It has been years since I had a live conversation with Barry and I had never spoken with David or Bruce before. Mark is a great guy and he was there with his wife who is real nice.... I am glad I had a chance to attend this it was both very enjoyable and educational ....


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